Now go and read your team or organisation’s vision statement (assuming you have one).
Having read it, how did it make you feel? Did it excite you?
Did you have an overwhelming sense of “I can’t wait to get up tomorrow morning to go and make this happen”?
Or “THIS is something I want to commit a chunk of my life to”?
Why not?
If you don’t feel genuinely inspired by the long-term vision for your organisation, how will you expect any of your staff to be?
And sidenote: If you’re experiencing low levels of engagement from your team, then before thinking about free donuts* or dress down Fridays, this would also be a good place to start.
I’m genuinely interested to know if your organisation has a snappy statement of vision or purpose. Get in touch and let me know what it is.
*That said, I am always open for free donuts!
Photo by John Matychuk on Unsplash